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Uplift Your Life by Being of Service

ayurveda katie rose Sep 25, 2022

'We think life is strong and love is fragile but it is
the other way around. Life is fragile
and love holds the whole universe together.'

Judith Lasater

What does it mean to practice service in a yogic context?  Sometimes called SEVA (the act of selfless giving without regard for the outcome) and sometimes called KARMA YOGA (the yoga of action) service is of great importance to the practice of yoga. 

When you offer service and support others without conditions or expectations it comes back to you. This is a great principle for life and for business. Many models of healing demonstrate this; for example, the 12 Step Programs of addiction recovery always include a service suggestion towards the end of the 'recovery' process (which is like so much of healing, never really 'finished'). 

Because my ayurvedic type is pitta (fire) I mostly think in straight lines. When I have a task to do (even something mundane like housework) my default approach is one of focus and efficiency. I'm goal oriented by nature. This works great for many things - running a business, running a busy household, life admin. But it isn't the best approach for healing. One of my teachers, Kaya Mindlin, speaks about 'circling around' as we contemplate and grow. The image this brings to mind for me is of the many Buddhist Temples I've visited in India, Nepal and Thailand - and the ritual of slow circumambulation around the sacred. When we walk slowly around that which is sacred we have time for pause and reflection. Time to contemplate. Healing doesn't always happen in a straight line. Sometimes we turn back on ourselves, but with clarity of intention the circles and the journey lead to rich discoveries. And if we keep showing up in service of others - generously giving of our time and energy - the process of healing is hugely amplifed and fast-tracked. 

Russell Brand talks about this:

‘Each time I show up for another person I feel subtle awe and unbidden tearfulness. I feel humbled. I have felt the grace that occurs when I decide to put aside my selfish needs and surrender to another way.’

In serving another person we can try to support and help others shine in their strengths and not dwell on their weaknesses. We can cook meals with joy and do housework as an offering rather than fuelled by resentment. 

Journaling Prompts:

  • What do you most love to do?
  • Where would you most love to do it?
  • How do you name such work and how do you find such work in the world? How can this work be of benefit and service to others.  

The point is to find what really lights you up (your purpose / dharma) and turn that into your service. 

The ultimate text on the subject of living in devotional service is the Bhagavad Gita. This book is life changing in every sense. This inspiring podcast will get you started in understanding Gita’s teachings.

The Bhagavad Gita reminds us that everyone’s prescribed duty is glorious if it is performed in devotional service.

Our ability to serve comes from steady foundations. Tune into the energy centres of your belly and pelvis (lower chakras); feel a sense of safety and grounding here to keep you anchored and able to do your good work in the world.

'The wisdom of intuition is easily accessed once you recover your feminine authority. Modern culture has left little room for personal awareness to bloom. We have forgotten the relevance of the body’s innate rhythms  as they relate to the cosmic cycles. Happily, we have access to ancient Vedic wisdom which will help you to regain your feminine splendour'

Maya Tiwari


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