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My Favourite Things (March 2023)

things i'm loving Mar 01, 2023

Namaste beauty,

It’s the first of the month which means it’s time to share a random assortment of my favourite things with you once again. 

Here’s what I’ve been up to …

Reading at the moment I’m re-reading this gorgeous novel which I first read when I was in high school.  I’m absolutely loving it the second time around.  The gentle prose, the gorgeous English countryside scenes, and the slow-paced plot.  It’s a balm for my slightly frazzled nervous system at the end of busy days with kids. I’ve also ordered this book (it was hard to find and expensive because I had to get it from India). Inspired by studies with Kaya Mindlin, a teacher whom I will recommend to you over and over again, I’ve wanted to read an original translation of the 'Lakshmi Tantra' for a while now and I'm excited for this to arrive. Inside Bhakti Club we're reading this one as part of our group Book Club.

Balancing my hormones with this incredible oil which I only discovered recently but which is doing wonders for my hormones as I’m coming to the end of breastfeeding my baby girl. It’s also highly recommended for peri-menopause and it even smells incredible. Talking of peri-menopause it can’t be far off for me because today I looked in the mirror and saw my first grey hair!

Watching I’m laughing as I’m writing this because I’d love to share something more yogic with you. But here’s the truth … this month I’ve watched two things, Married at First Sight (I love it even though it’s utter trash!) and Season 3 of a very gritty British drama ‘Happy Valley’.  If you haven’t seen it and you love crime/drama it’s a winner (go back to season 1). I loved 'Happy Valley' but when I say it’s gritty I’m not exaggerating … so many trigger warnings.  But with such great acting and plot, my partner and I binge-watched six episodes in a long weekend.

Thinking about my first teachers and how dear they were to me.  If you missed my recent Valentine's love notes (including reflections on the deep love and gratitude I have towards my first yoga teachers) you can find them here.

Listening to podcasts, always. I’ve been reflecting recently on the idea of 'mistakes' or failure. This Instagram post inspired me deeply (I love her historical novels incidentally) and so too did this podcast which is particularly pertinent if you have a business or you're self-employed. 

Contemplating ethics in my work and business. I've found lots of inspiration and food for thought here (another woman with five children who's supporting her household with an online business!) and here (I did a very good workshop with these guys about editing, writing, and unconscious privilege bias recently). 

That’s all from me for now.  Sending so much love your way.

Katie Rose x 


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