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My Favourite Things (Feb 2023)

things i'm loving Feb 01, 2023

Namaste beauty,

As you'll know if you've been in my world for a while, on the 1st of every month I send out an email rounding up a few things I've enjoyed in the month.  Music I've listened to, Netfilx I've binged on and yogic teachings I've enjoyed and soaked up. You can read the archives of these on this blog

This month is a little different because in two days we are live for this year's Bhakti Women Summit.  So I thought I'd share with you a selection of my favourite teachers for the Summit and why I love them so much. The truth is I cherry-pick the Summit teachers each year myself, so I absolutely love and adore them all. But each year there are some I particularly look forward to. Join us live and you can catch the magic too: 

Elena Brower on parenting: I went through some challenging times with my eldest son a couple of years ago and felt very stuck and confused on my parenting journey. Elena helped me see through this and was a huge part of my healing journey with my teenager (as I write this email he is voluntarily washing my car in the back yard, an unthinkable gesture of kindness a year or so ago). Elena released a parenting program this year and in our live conversation we'll dive into this juicy subject. 

Jane Hardwick-Collings on a disappointing birthing experience: I didn't birth my daughter Leela (who is just about to turn one) in the way I had hoped and dreamed of. There was fear and covid in the mix and things derailed for me pretty quickly.  I've spent alot of this year processing that and I unpacked some of it with wise-woman and elder Jane Hardwick-Collings (School of Shamanic Womancraft) in the powerful conversation we recorded last week exclusively for the Summit. 

Kaya Mindlin on joytish (Vedic astrology): Wondering why 2023 is starting so slowly and your New Year Intentions feel like wadding through mud? Kaya has the answers in this pre-Summit warm up chat we had today

Being inspired to deeper self-trust with through breathwork with Heather Waxman: Here's another pre-Summit warm up chat I had this weekend, and we will dive much deeper into this subject (and practice guided breath work) with Heather during the Summit live. 

Feeding the birds with Sharon Gannon: Sharon has been my main teacher since I was 18 years old. The other day I had a dream in which she and I were feeding birds together. This feels like the most poignant good omen for our Summit as Sharon will join us again live this year.

These are just a few highlights I'm looking forward to. Register here to see what's resonating for you and join us live for FREE this Friday and Saturday. I hope these teachers and these teachings can inspire in you the transformational moments they have inspired in me.

With great love all is possible, 

Katie Rose xo

P.S. Lots of you are new to me and my offerings. Find out more about me and my business Bhakti Rose here.


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