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My Favourite Things (April 2023)

personal transformation things i'm loving Apr 01, 2023

Namaste dear friends,

I can’t believe it’s the first of the month again. The spins around the sun feel like they get faster and faster. Today is my birthday and also the birthday of Bhakti Rose (my online business) which turns three.  It’s always a beautiful time to reflect on where my work in the world is at and I can say, hand on heart, I’ve never felt more clear in my dharma and offerings.  The next few months are brimming with exciting projects and plans.

Here's what I’ve been up to these last few weeks:

Celebrating the Goddess through Navaratri teachings from Kaya Mindlin and dreaming of India as I plan to run my first retreat there in 2024.  My dear friend Edwina Peden and I are planning such a special pilgrimage and have spent countless hours dreaming and scheming to bring you this holiday of a lifetime. I mean look at the hotel we will be staying in Delhi just for a start!

Working through some learnings around abundance and relationship to Divinity with Victoria Washington. Her work is so unique and wise. She works with the body as a portal for change. Unlocking the nervous system, expanding capacity, and jumping into better wellness on all levels. I love her!

Enjoying some in-person gatherings again.  I’ve been up in Krishna Village running a retreat, and I’ve attended various different women’s circles and gatherings and it’s all been so luscious and enriching. I’ve started attending Steiner playgroup with my daughter Leela. Getting out into the world and doing more of the face-to-face thing has been really beautiful.

Watching the TV adaptation of Shantaram (did I mention the current obsession with India?!).  I’ll be honest and say I don’t 100% love this adaptation; the book is a thousand times better. The lead character is a Brit cast as an Aussie with the worst accent ever.  But it did grow on me and some of the scenes are sensitive and nuanced. This month hasn’t seen much TV watching for me in general because I have a lot of creative projects on the go, two of which involve long hours of writing (I will tell you more about these soon).

Listening to this track on repeat. It’s pure magic.

Discovering Substack. You know me, I’m a words person. I love this platform. Currently following Elena Brower (who interviewed me for her podcast this month, I’ll be sure to share it with you when it’s live), Jodi Wilson, and Tarzan Kaye.  All such wonderful writers in such different ways.

Ending breastfeeding. After a year with Leela but five years total with all the kids, I’m officially done.  My body is my own again!! What a journey that was. I do feel stepping back into myself now breastfeeding is finished.  There is an energetic shift that takes place.  A cutting of some of the energetic chords that bind us as babies and mothers. It feels freeing.

With so much love from my heart to yours,

Katie Rose x

P.S. For those of you interested in birth work and pregnancy here’s a short video I made last week.

I’m also offering a free webinar on birthing without fear on the 23rd of April. You can register here


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