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Manifest Your Dreams - Foundations

manifestation series Mar 15, 2022
Bhakti Rose - Manifest Your Dreams - Foundations

Hi there friends, welcome! 

This is the first in a series of five blog posts (which will be released mid-month for five months) about the art of manifesting your dreams.  I'm not the first to write about this subject by any means and I've been hesitant to 'jump on the bandwagon' but it honestly is a subject people ask me about all the time so I decided to share what I know - it's up to you to absorb the bits that resonate for you and leave to the side, the rest.  What I will say is this - I do have a very active and deliberate manifestation practice in my life.  I think of it as a combination of prayer, visualisation, intention setting, and letting go. Over the next few months, we will talk about all of those things. 

But before we jump into that, first a word about privilege.

I acknowledge that the world is not always fair. We are all-powerful, capable, and equal in worth but this is not always reflected by the opportunities life grants us.  I am white, able-bodied, educated, and come from relative affluence.  At the same time, I've overcome adversity in my life and worked hard to be the person I am today. It is easy for me to talk about 'manifesting' when so much of my life is embedded in privilege - I get that. If you're reading this you also have a certain amount of privilege in your life too and I believe no matter your background or challenges, by changing your thinking you can create a better life.  This is really the promise of the teachings of yoga at their essence as well. Part of what I wish to manifest in my life is to be able to be of better service to marginalised communities. 

Inquire and investigate into what or whom you are truly devoted to. To what or to whom do you allocate most of your energy? Explore how this investigation can give you clarification as to whether your actions align with your aspirations.’ – Rima Rabath

When I wrote my book 'Mindful Living' back in 2019 I dedicated a whole section to the idea of manifestation and intention setting. I outlined six steps that form the foundation for any manifestation practice and I'm going to remind you of them here.

♥  Think: the first stage is to get still and quiet in meditation and to notice what is going on in your mind. As your mind settles (the chitta vritti or chatter becomes slower and more stable) notice what stories, thoughts, and dreams come up. See if you can consciously direct your thoughts towards what it is you are longing for spiritually. You can write these observations in a journal or notebook if you feel called to do so.

 Feel: get into your body. You might do this through some yoga asana or you may have another embodiment practice to bring energy into action so you can feel what is going on within you. Dancing can be good, or even receiving a massage. As you feel into your body, notice any blocks or areas of constriction that prevent the flow of prana. What can you do to release them? Consciously let go of tension in your physical body through breath, movement, or touch and open up to feeling the subtle pulse of the Divine through your body’s prana nadis (energy lines).

♥  Commit: stop doubting or comparing, and stick to your chosen path, at least for a time. For example, maybe you’ve decided to give up coffee or alcohol consumption. Decide how long you will do this and observe the results.

♥  Act: make some plans about what actions you will take to move towards your personal growth goals. What practical things can you say, think about or do to make you come to pass? Patanjali’s ethical codes found in the yamas and niyamas might be helpful here to check in with making sure your goals and dreams are aligned with strong values. When we take steps in the right direction towards our dharma, even if they are baby steps, universal consciousness delights and comes rushing in to support us. This is where the manifestation practices become so powerful and where an understanding of karma is imperative. What you sow you will reap in thoughts, words, and actions.

♥  Have faith: with our efforts firmly in place we relax into shraddha or faith in the Divine plan. Bhakti practices of chanting and devotional service help to cultivate shraddha.

♥  Live in the dharma (your own zone of genius): by constantly practicing yoga, yoking yourself to the Divine, and practicing these steps to manifest your goals you cannot fail to live in your dharma.

People ask me all the time how I manage to balance my work, my family life, and my commitment to spiritual practice.  The truth is I'm pretty laser-focused on what I want my life to look like.  There are some things I can't control (teenagers!  the weather!) but there are many things I can - like what I do with my time and what I choose to prioritise.  I'm also good at 'calling stuff in', for example after many years in an unhappy marriage I've now found a partnership with a man that couldn't make me happier. I've also built success in my career and work.  Some of that success is a result of hard work and dedication but some of it is a result of what my dear friend Kiki calls 'the energetic backend'. 

The following series of blog posts which I'll share with you over the next few months tell some of my stories, my methods, and my ongoing journey with manifesting my dreams. I  hope it will inspire and guide you to do the same.

Katie Rose x 



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