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Lakshmi Codes

Jul 10, 2023

JOIN US FREE for Lakshmi Codes live

July 11th - 13th 2023, three live sessions on zoom with Katie Rose


Embracing the Goddess who teaches us to make every action in our lives an expression of our innate spiritual nature. 

Lakshmi is the embodiment of abundance and true wealth in our lives. The definition of wealth has to do with life feeling plentiful and abundant. It is a state where your desires are met. A sattvic (wholesome) wealth happens when our desires are aligned with our Highest Good, as reflected in the adage ‘be careful what you wish for’. The great Yogic Master Brahmananda Saraswati (who was a teacher of my own teachers which means he is part of my lineage) said that this state happens when ‘we want for nothing’. There is an absence of craving and complete satiation is experienced. Obviously this is a difficult experience to achieve. There is almost always some niggle that is irritating us at any given moment. I’m hungry, I’m too hot, I’m tired, I miss my friend. The grass is so often greener. And yet a true state of Yoga can be found when we connect to the Divine and remember that we already have the spark of the Goddess within us, we’re already centred in abundant Grace. In this state all the small niggles just dissolve away.

Bring Lakshmi into your life in one of the following ways:

  • The Goddess in all her forms, but especially Lakshmi, represents a remembering of our connection to the natural world. We remember her when we bask in nature’s beauty. Take a walk and look at the trees. Eat a piece of fruit and marvel at the miracle of nature that creates a mandarin or a banana for our enjoyment.
  • Create an altar or sacred space in your home to honour this deep gratitude for the present moment of your life. Lakshmi’s colours are pink, red and gold. Decorate your sacred space with these colours (some gold coins and pink or red flowers would be especially potent).
  • Practice purification and in doing so you will start to crave only that which serves your highest good. You could do this through your food choices, through cleaning and decluttering your home or through calming your mind by choosing sattvic media and music (start with our Lakshmi playlist here).
  • Be grateful for the conditions of your life. If you’re overwhelmed with family responsibility take a moment to be grateful for the blessing of family. If you feel lonely take a moment to be grateful for your freedom and spaciousness of time. Whatever hardship or resentment you have ask yourself if it can be reframed to gratitude rather than longing.

You may wish to chant the following mantra


This mantra calls upon Lakshmi, to grant both worldly and spiritual prosperity. The meaning of this mantra is ‘I bow down to the great Mother Lakshmi’.


Simple and powerful ways to align yourself in worship of the Goddess through ceremony and creating sacred space (these are recommendations from ancient Vedic Scripture):

  • Feeding animals and children
  • Planting seeds
  • Deep listening
  • Austerities and self-discipline
  • Meditate on the form and image of the Goddess
  • Lakshmi’s spirit animal is the OWL
  • Lakshmi is awake when others are asleep, her eyes are always open
  • Don’t abandon your responsibilities in the world, be engaged
  • The imagery for Lakshmi is the LOTUS FLOWER
  • Surrender to Divinity and bow your head.

In all Goddess worship there is a pre-requisite to treat women (of all species) well. Women are the Goddess. In accord with cosmic order we hold all women in high esteem when we remember and bow down to the Goddess.

JOIN US FREE for Lakshmi Codes live

July 11th - 13th 2023, three live sessions on zoom with Katie Rose