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Spiritual Activism and Unity

advocacy bhakti rose community support compassion courage integrity katie rose positive change spiritual activism Mar 22, 2024

Hey everyone, 

I am utterly devastated by world events at the moment. Next week I’ll be sharing with you an open letter to the Women Of Gaza that I’m writing as part of a project inside our membership, Bhakti Club pioneered by our Spiritual Activism Coordinator, Shae Spry - more on that here:

But for now I’d like to share with you this recent recording in which we delved deep into the topic of spiritual activism and the power of advocacy in times of crisis. Here are three key takeaways from the conversation:

  1. Courage in Action: One of the main themes discussed was the importance of taking action, even when we feel unsure or unprepared. It's okay to feel anger, frustration, and even fear, but it's crucial to channel those emotions into meaningful action. As spiritual practitioners, we have a sacred duty to speak up against suffering and advocate for peace, even if we don't have all the answers.

  2. Compassion and Healing: The session highlighted the significance of approaching difficult conversations with compassion and a willingness to listen. Love and acceptance are powerful political acts that can bridge divides and lead to resolution. By modeling compassion and healing in our interactions, we can create space for understanding and connection, even with those we disagree with.

  3. Integrity in Advocacy: The conversation also touched upon the challenge of balancing advocacy with personal endeavours, such as running a business. It's natural to feel conflicted about promoting oneself while also speaking out on important issues. However, it's essential to remember that our work and advocacy are interconnected. By building our platforms and sharing our offerings, we can amplify our impact and contribute to positive change in the world.

I encourage you all to listen to the full recording for more insights and reflections on spiritual activism. Let's continue to be brave, make mistakes, and stay committed to making a positive impact in our communities and beyond. Your voice matters, and your actions can create meaningful change.

Listen to the full recording and let's keep the conversation going and support each other in our journey towards a more peaceful and compassionate world. 🌍✨


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