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Trust Life, Trust Yourself, Find Peace

the new book by Katie Rose,

published by Affirm Press


Have you lost faith in the idea that the Universe is working for you, rather than against you? Have you dreamt of making big changes in your life but find yourself stuck in a routine, with habitual patterns that feel hard to break out of? Or maybe you jump into change and adventure a little too quickly, and as a result you’ve been burnt and find it hard to believe that things will ever work out again.


Learning to trust your own judgement, and that the Universe supports you – even when things feel really tough – is within your reach. When trust is deep enough, we know that even if we fail, we’ve won because we had a go and that is all life is asking of us. 

Drawing on modern psychology as well as elements of ancient philosophy and yogic wisdom, author Katie Rose guides you through the dance between being in your power and surrendering, as you learn to trust yourself every step of the way.

✨When you trust yourself and have confidence and high self- esteem, it impacts your ability to trust others.

✨Stop looking for external validation. Your sense of self isn’t dependent on what you imagine others are thinking of you.

✨Two tools for self-trust are knowing that your intentions are good and stepping out of your comfort zone incrementally.

✨Trust yourself by doing what you said you’d do (be good to your word to self and others).

✨Trust your dharma/purpose in life as well as the Divine plan.

✨Be creative about the way you look at your spiritual path. Choose how you want your life to be, and trust in possibility.

✨Trust that there’s usually a silver lining in dreams that don’t work out.


Meet Katie Rose

Katie Rose is a women’s wellness mentor and educator with twenty-five years’ experience in the world of yoga and ayurveda. Katie has managed and owned popular yoga studios in both London and Sydney, and now runs a thriving online community.

Founder and host of the annual Bhakti Women Online Summit, Katie helps women go from feeling stuck and overwhelmed to living a life that is aligned with their highest values. She lives in Sydney, Australia, with her partner and her five children in a loud and busy household where her meditation practice keeps her sane.

Praise for the book

'Katie is an extraordinary human. Her kindness and compassion irradiate in all the ways she gives to the world. I am a big fan of hers and you will be too! Read her words, stay close to this woman! Pure gold.’

Biet Simkin - Bestselling Author & Spiritual Teacher  

‘Wise, practical teachings based on the lived experience of a courageous woman who has discovered how to be peaceful in a chaotic, unsafe, and unstable world, through cultivating trust that everything in life works out for the good if you can trust yourself to let go of the bad—or at least your tendencies to hold on to what you deem as bad in the form of fear, anger, self-loathing, blame, despair etc. and ‘have a go’, take a risk, allow yourself to be surprised by joy—the abiding kind of joy that comes from Source and exists eternally in the spiritual certainty within our own souls.’ 

Sharon Gannon - Founder of Jivamukti Yoga

'Practical and enriching in equal measure, Katie's insights emerge from embodied practice to move you to trust; in yourself, in your choices and in the ways in which you live your life.' 

Elena Brower - Bestselling Author of 'Practice You' & 'Softening Time'


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