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Bhakti is the path of devotion, a love so pure it transforms the world around us. It’s about connection - to ourselves, to each other, and to the Divine.
In a world facing crisis, bhakti offers us a way to rise together. The Bhakti Women Summit 2025 is a celebration of this truth. Together we’ll explore how spirituality fuels activism, with compassion as our compass.
This is sacred learning for collective wellbeing.
Along with other women on the path of wise love, you will receive these powerful, informed and necessary teachings - and things will never be quite the same again (thank the Goddess!)
This is your opportunity to actualise your deeply felt love, reverence and respect into a force that reaches beyond your mat or your altar. A force that expands possibilities for liberation... and then makes it happen.

Bhakti teaches us that love is action. For a world in crisis, love is radical. It’s the force that says: “No more.”
No more silence. No more passivity.
Through this summit, women from all over the world will explore how love fuels meaningful, heart-centred and effective responses to injustice.
Together, we’ll transform hyper-individualism into compassionate collectivism.
This is what yoga is really all about: transformative love.
We are the bhakti women who are ready to love radically. Our love encompasses our fellow humans, our feathered, furry and finned friends, and our earth - because we are not separate.
Our love is more than a feeling, it's an action; a way of existing.
Heart-Centred Responses to a World in Crisis
🌍 25 powerful women
🌎 25 impactful conversations
🌏 Wise love; spiritual devotion meets practical action
🌍 Experts and elders focused on yoga for the collective
Our world is in crisis. But there is hope. The wise love of bhakti shows us how to act from the heart, using every skill we possess to build a better world.
This isn’t spirituality that bypasses suffering. It’s spirituality that meets hate with peace, greed with gratitude, and despair with determination.
The path of yoga is more than inner spirituality. It's about how we show up in the world. Just as we connect with the divinity within, we connect with the divinity that permeates everyone and everything.
Yoga leads us towards action for the wellbeing of all. This is part of our dharma; our duty, our assignment, our reason for being.
We can't do this work alone - together we rise in service.
Join us live for FREE from 9:00am to 4:20pm on Wednesday 12th February 2025 (AEDT) to hear from 7 epic speakers.
Additionally, there are 18 prerecorded interviews that will be freely accessible from 8am Monday 10th February to 8pm Friday 15th February (AEDT).
All you need to do is register!

Here's our line-up of inspirational speakers
sharing yogic wisdom for collective wellbeing

Teneale Cameron
Senior Fundraising Manager for Community and Gifts In Wills, Médecins Sans Frontières
Session Topic:
Independence, neutrality, impartiality, and impactful ways to show support.
Myth: "I am not an activist"
Busted: Activism is as unique as you are
Grand gestures aren’t required. What matters is authentic action:
- Weaving empowerment into you children's bedtime stories.
- Listening deeply to amplify another’s voice.
- Educating yourself, step by step.
- Becoming conscious in how, what and when you consume.
That's activism.
- Dropping groceries off at the local community centre.
- Asking a question to seek clarification or more information.
- Gracefully explaining why a remark is racist and therefore not something that is welcome at your dinner table.
That's activism.
Everyone has a style, an approach, a preference. We each have specific skills, abilities, resources.
Together, our diverse actions create a powerful, unstoppable force for change.
When we hear the word "activism" most of us picture people in the streets holding banners and signs. Protest is one form of activism but it's so, so much more than that.
Activism is your unique way of showing up in the world to make things better - for one person, for one animal, for one community. For humanity, for all living beings, for our global society.
And what is "spiritual activism"? Well it's activism that is driven by and anchored in our connection to one another. Yoga is a path of union. Bhakti is a path of wise love.
That's why we have curated an incredible collective of speakers so we can step forward together - informed and empowered - into yoga as community, yoga as service, yoga as love in action.
What women are saying
in response to the spiritual activism of Katie and Shae
Elley Foster
"Thank you for saying (and doing) what many can not. I have nothing but awe and admiration for the simultaneous strength and vulnerability you have."
Suzie Brazendale
"Brilliant. Made me remember to always integrate the Sutras, and the yamas and niyamas, into my teachings. Very informative."
We call on all students and teachers of yoga, and anyone interested or involved in the "wellness" industry generally, to come on an adventure that will deepen your understanding of yoga as service, and illuminate the connection between self care and collective care.
This sacred event is a unique opportunity to cultivate heart-centred responses to the challenges we face, and to awaken an energy for liberation that extends beyond your own personal practice and into the world.
The Bhakti Women Summit is not for women who just want to stare at their navels and “raise their vibe” because “your vibe attracts your tribe.” “If you’re into spiritual bypassing you can either join us to learn to do better, or you can move right along. At this point, on a planet that is dying, full of people who are suffering, any excuses you have for silence and passivity are void.
We say this with great love, because it is important and we do not shy away from our sacred duty of love in action.
What women are saying
in response to the spiritual activism of Katie and Shae
Hoody Meaola
"I had no idea what I would take away but I am feeling so spiritually awakened and comforted about how we really are all connected. Love your work Shae, you always pack a punch in all of your offerings."
Christine Rossouw
"Katie has the unique ability of demystifying big concepts and delivering teachings in a way that makes them easily accessible and personally relevant."
One reason there is so much polarisation in our world is that we have forgotten how to disagree well.
Click bait headlines, news programs focused on ratings, quick takes, memes and sound bite politics mean we have been conditioned towards short attention spans and blinkered points of view. This directs us to choose this team or that team, or disengage completely.
Polarised thinking leaves little room for those of us who are unsure or perceive nuance. It makes us forget that actually often we are all on the same team.
We don’t have to agree with everything someone says to agree with something they say. There is no merit in “cutting your nose off to spite your face” because one opinion or sentiment that we don’t agree with is expressed.
We need to learn how to be thoughtful and engaged in conversation, and we need to feel free to disagree intelligently and respectfully. We need to be having more nuanced conversations.
Don't misunderstand me: strong opinions are welcome when they are well considered. But we must also be able to hold space for varying perspectives. We must understand points of view that are different to our own.
That's what it means to be in community, and it's the only way we can productively move forward. Do we agree all the time? No. Do we listen and show respect? Yes.
The Bhakti Women Summit is an invitation to practice intelligent disagreement. There may well be things you hear during the summit that you disagree with. Good! That is an opportunity to practice a form of dialog that centres listening, learning and peaceful debate.
Let's raise the bar. Think deeply. Consider broadly. Then map out a way forward together that acknowledges, celebrates and supports our common humanity.
Here's to healing conversations and diverse ideas.
What women are saying
in response to the spiritual activism of Katie and Shae
Marita, Shakti Ayurveda
“Thank you for speaking up and passing on this wisdom”
Anya, The Mat Connection
“Katie, I have no words other than to echo and stand behind every one of yours. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Peace, Peace, Peace."
Should yoga be politicised like this?
Where and when is the Bhakti Women Summit?
How do I participate in / watch the sessions?
What if I can't attend the Summit live?
How long will I have access to the summit recordings?
Why is this a Summit specifically for women?

What women are saying
in response to the spiritual activism of Katie and Shae
Angie, The Awen Room
"Your honesty and authenticity is always inspiring and beautiful. Thank you Katie.”
Jess, Journey to Wholeness
“Thank you so much for sharing your insight! Great words of wisdom, and a reminder to guide yoga teachers during these difficult times.”

Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu
May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all
(translation by Sharon Gannon)