$27.00 AUD

Bhakti Women Recordings 2024

Receive lifetime access to all the recordings from the Bhakti Women Summit 2024. 

🔻 18 powerful women. 

🔻 18 profound conversations. 

🔻 Divine feminine transmissions. 

🔻 All new presenters for this year. 

The ancient Yogic Scriptures (shastra) teach us that we learn best through listening. Listening is the skill that allows deep absorption. Our world has become increasingly visual and reading or watching have taken over deep listening. Often sound is in the background of our experience.

🌹 This Summit is an invitation to reclaim deep listening as an act of mindful reverence.

🌹 Each presenter offers a short and sweet 30 minute transmission that will move you profoundly if you make the space for the potent medicine to be absorbed.

🌹 Step into the Temple of Stories. Listen as the threads (sutra) form tapestries of awareness on the screen of your imagination.

Listen deeply.

Receive the magic.